Oud Perfumes: Why They are Popular and How to Choose the One for You

Oud Perfumes: Why They are Popular and How to Choose the One for You

Oud is one of the most rare and expensive ingredients used by a perfumer. The oil derived from the mold of the agar tree, which is native to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. The extract goes through a process of steam distillation. It is then mixed with a base oil and heated to extremely high temperatures in order to extract the oil. The resulting liquid is highly fragrant, with a scent that is reminiscent of the deep, dark forest.

Oud oils are very popular because of their distinctive and unusual aroma. They are considered the ideal cologne for men, but are also growing in popularity amongst women. They are known for being complex and powerfully aromatic; some are even said to have aphrodisiac properties. Traditionally, they have been used in medicine, and aromatherapy. In the Middle East, it is used widely both in the home and in religious ceremonies.

Oud perfumes Eluxura are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. Whilst they are simply intoxicating, with a distinct and haunting aroma that can be enchanting, they can also be intimidating to the uninitiated. Here is a guide to choosing the right one and apply it perfectly:

  1. Learn about the oud perfume available

Oud is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum to fresh and floral scents when it comes to fragrance. They are characteristically rich and smoky. Oud oils used in perfumes can also vary in scent and strength. Perfumers will also blend the oils in different manners to create variations. Therefore, it is essential to do some research and try different ones to find the one best suited to you. While it is possible to tell by sniffing the bottle which perfume you like, try a spray and spend time considering the options to make the best decision.

  1. Try different brands

There are many reputable brands that produce oud perfumes, ranging from small artisanal companies to high-end stores and online retailers. Oud oils are also widely used by fashion houses when designing their fragrances, as their unique scent is difficult to imitate making them unique and synonymous with the brand. Therefore, try a variety of brands to find the perfect scent for your budget. Bear in mind, the only way to be sure you are buying genuine product is to buy from a reputable retailer.

  1. Choose a scent that matches your personality

It is always best to choose a scent that is compatible with your personality and lifestyle. Oud perfumes have a strong and complex aroma, they are not for the faint hearted. The wearer of an oud scent should be confident, assured and not afraid to stand out from the crowd. While they can be worn during the day, they are considered a little empowering so best worn at night.

  1. Read the label carefully

This is valid advice when purchasing any perfume, always check the labels for a list of ingredients so you know exactly what to expect from the perfume. Check the label for the expiration date, so you know when the perfume should be replaced. Finally, avoid buying cheap imitations.

  1. Apply correctly

Once you have purchased an oud perfume, make sure you are getting the most from the product. Lightly spritz the pulse points, which are found on the neck the wrists and inner elbows. Never rub perfume in at this can dullen and alter the scent. When applying this rich and heady scent, remember that less is more to avoid overpowering the senses. Ensure the longevity of the perfume by storing it at room temperature and out of direct sunlight.