20 Travel Expert Tips For Stress Free Travel With Kids

20 Travel Expert Tips For Stress Free Travel With Kids

According to a recent LeapLocal.org survey, 78% of parents reported significant stress related to family travel due to uncertainties such as airport procedures, security checks, and navigating unfamiliar territories. LeapLocal.org is on a mission to reverse these trends.

With a whopping 182% increase in families planning summer vacations using LeapLocal.org compared to last year, the data underscores the rising demand for bespoke, stress-free travel experiences.

  1. Detailed Planning: Research your destination thoroughly, including local customs, weather, medical facilities, and family-friendly attractions. Understand the local transportation systems, emergency services, and the nearest embassies or consulates. Knowing these details beforehand can reduce stress and help you act quickly in case of an emergency.
  2. Involving Kids in Planning: Let your children participate in the trip planning. This could involve choosing activities, restaurants, or even helping pack their own luggage. This involvement can make them feel more invested and excited about the trip, and less likely to be uncooperative during travel.
  3. Smart Packing: Pack essential items such as snacks, medications, entertainment options, and comfort items like a favorite toy or blanket. Don't forget a compact first-aid kit, including band-aids, antiseptic wipes, fever and pain relievers, and any prescription medications your family might need.
  4. Arriving Early: Airports can be overwhelming for kids. Arriving well in advance of your flight can give your family time to acclimate, explore, and navigate the process without rushing.
  5. Keeping a Checklist: Maintain a checklist of everything you need, from passports to chargers, clothing, and favorite toys. Use this list to double-check everything before you leave home and again as you pack up to return.
  6. Navigating Airport Security: Prepare your kids for the security process. Explain in kid-friendly terms about the process like taking off their shoes, putting their toys on a conveyor belt, and walking through a large "doorway." This can help minimize fear or confusion during the process.
  7. Keeping Kids Entertained: Long journeys can be tedious for kids. Pack a variety of entertainment options such as books, coloring materials, travel games, or download their favorite shows or movies on a tablet for offline viewing.
  8. Stay Hydrated and Snacked: Air travel can be dehydrating. Keep water bottles handy for everyone in the family. Pack a variety of healthy, easy-to-carry snacks to keep hunger at bay during long journeys or unexpected delays.
  9. Rest and Relaxation: Make sure everyone gets enough rest before and during the trip. Consider scheduling downtime or rest days during your vacation, especially when dealing with jet lag or after busy sightseeing days.
  10. Use Local Guides: Local guides can provide invaluable insights, helping you avoid crowded tourist traps and experience authentic local culture. 
  1. Flexible Itinerary: While planning is important, being too rigid with your schedule can lead to stress. Allow for flexibility and unplanned moments. Sometimes the best memories come from spontaneous adventures.
  2. Familiarize Children with the Trip: Talk to your kids about the trip, the destination, and what they can expect during the journey. The more they know, the more comfortable they'll be.
  3. Teach Kids Important Information: Teach your kids your phone number, hotel name, and other key information in case you get separated. For younger children, consider writing this information down and putting it in their pocket.
  4. Pack a Change of Clothes in Your Carry-On: Delays, spills, and accidents happen. Having a change of clothes readily available for your kids can be a lifesaver.
  5. Carry Disinfecting Wipes and Hand Sanitizer: Traveling, especially by public transportation, exposes your family to many germs. Keep wipes and hand sanitizer handy to clean hands and wipe down surfaces.
  6. Book Accommodations with Kitchen Facilities: If possible, book accommodations with a kitchen. This allows you to prepare familiar meals for picky eaters, store snacks, and can save money on dining out.
  7. Plan for Quiet Time: Traveling can be overwhelming for kids. Make sure to plan quiet time for relaxation or naps, even for older children.
  8. Utilize Technology: Use apps for everything from navigation, translation, finding nearby amenities, and even stargazing. Technology can be a great tool to enrich your travel experience.
  9. Teach Respect for Other Cultures: If you're traveling to a destination with a different culture, teach your children about it. This can help them understand and respect differences, making them global citizens.
  10. Use Backpacks: Instead of a traditional diaper bag or handbag, use a backpack. It leaves your hands free and distributes weight more evenly, reducing the risk of back pain.

Traveling with family can be a challenge, but with the right planning and attitude, it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. Remember, the goal is not to perfect the journey but to create lasting memories with your loved ones.