How to Plan the Perfect Itinerary for Your First Trip to Japan

How to Plan the Perfect Itinerary for Your First Trip to Japan

A trip to Japan is the trip of a lifetime for many people and because it is far away for many travelers, they want to go for at least a few weeks to see everything. If you are in the beginning stages of planning a trip to Japan, read the guide below for how to plan the perfect itinerary for your first trip to this Eastern Asian treasure.

Determine the Duration of Your Trip

Depending on where you are coming from and how much of the country you want to see, you can make your trip anywhere from a week to a month. Most first-timers choose to spend seven to fourteen days in the country so that they can visit all of the major tourist spots. If you plan a shorter trip, then your focus should be more on the bigger cities like Tokyo and Osaka, but if you are planning to go for more than two weeks, then you can take the time to explore places off the beaten path.

Read Informative Blogs

The more research you do, the better prepared you will be for your first trip to Japan. The best way you can do this is by reading blogs from people who have first-hand accounts of visiting or living in Japan. This detailed Japan blog gives future visitors insights into the top attractions the country has to offer as well as advice from locals on what not to do as a tourist in Japan. Taking the time to read blogs like this will help you feel more comfortable about visiting a new country and will help you compile a list of all of the places you want to visit.

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Narrow Down Your Top Cities

Because Japan is a relatively small country that is well connected with an advanced train system, a trip to the land of the rising sun means you will have time to go to at least a few of the top cities depending on how much time you have. The top cities to visit are Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, and Nara. Each city has its own attractions, foods to try, and cultural charm. For example, Nara is not usually the first on people’s lists but has grown increasingly popular because of Nara Park where visitors can feed and interact with very friendly deer.

Japan cherry blossoms along canal

Create a Rough Itinerary

Once you have your flights booked and a general idea of which cities you want to visit, it is time to create a rough itinerary so that you know which days you will be where. This will allow you to then book accommodation and transportation and the trip will start to feel like a reality. It is best to create this rough itinerary several months in advance as Japan is a very popular place to visit, especially if you are going during peak seasons like cherry blossom season in Spring and the warm months of Summer.

With the right amount of planning and taking the time to learn about the culture of Japan, you will be ready for your first visit to this wonderful country.