What is the Contrast Dressing Method and How to Achieve It In Your Looks

What is the Contrast Dressing Method and How to Achieve It In Your Looks

The contrast dressing method is the perfect approach to style for those who are tired of the basic clothing combinations and are looking for something bolder. The concept is simple: by mixing two seemingly opposite items together, you can create a look that stands out from the crowd. Contrast dressing utilizes the difference between colors, fabrics, textures, and patterns to put together eye-catching outfits that are also comfortable and perfect for everyday life.

Choose a Correct Color Scheme

If you want to truly show off your individuality and creativity by applying the contrast dressing method, the first thing you need to do is find a color palette that fits your complexion the most. One of the most popular approaches is to choose a monochromatic palette, which involves selecting shades within one hue or tone like gray, beige, soft pink, and pastels. This way, you can create an elegant and sophisticated look and create a contrast between the textures rather than the colors. On the other hand, you can opt for creating a contrast by pairing two shades from opposite ends of the color spectrum, for example yellow and deep blue, which will result in an eye-catching effect no matter if you’re wearing a casual outfit or a formal one.

Pair Different Fabrics

Apart from experimenting with colors, paring different fabrics is the easiest way to achieve a contrast look. A great advantage of the said method is that you most probably already have all of the needed garments in your wardrobe and you just need to get more creative and confident with mixing and matching them. For instance, grab a pair of casual wide leg jeans, add a dainty blouse on top, and finish the look with a tote bag and a pair of white sneakers; this outfit will look more interesting thanks to the combination between the elegant top and rugged bottoms. Another idea would be to pair a flowy floral dress with a heavy knit dark Irish cardigan for an intriguing look that you can wear on a daily basis or a chilly night out. Speaking of the latter, thanks to their chunky knit and the wide range of colors Aran cardigans are a must in your contrast wardrobe, as they can be paired with literally any top to make your ensemble stand out more and have more visual depth. You can visit online stores to get you chunky knit Aran cardigan and mix it in your wardrobe.

Add Accessories

The last piece of advice in our list is to don’t overlook the importance of accessories when you want to achieve a contrast closet. Although they might not be the first thing that you notice when looking at someone’s outfit, adding accessories is an easy way to level up your look and make it stand out from the crowd. So, statement pieces like jewelry, shoes, and bags can be used to complete the outfit while also highlighting the differences between your garments. However, when accessorizing, remember to not make your outfit overwhelming by clashing too many colors and metals together, and opt for an accessory that will make the focal point instead.