Why First-Class Travel is Facing Competition from Private Jet Charters

Why First-Class Travel is Facing Competition from Private Jet Charters

First-class travel has always been the premier way to get around. However, in recent years it has faced stiff competition from private jet charters. Here we look at the differences between the two and the reasons why this shift is happening.

The Benefits of Flying First-Class

When it comes to luxury air travel, first-class has always been the gold standard, and usually even more luxurious than business class. It usually offers perks such as:

  • Special check-in areas to save time,
  • Comfortable pre-departure areas,
  • Earlier boarding and disembarking times,
  • Wider and longer seats than average,
  • More leg room and the ability to convert seats into beds,
  • Blankets and pillows,
  • Quality headphones, screens and other AV equipment,
  • Special in-flight meals and drinks,
  • Highly attentive service.

As you can see, this is a formidable list of advantages for business or leisure travelers wanting to make the most of their time in the skies.

How Private Jet Charters are Catching Up

With private jet charters you have access to many, if not all, of the features listed above. Additionally, you will have the chance to really feel at home, thanks to spacious cabin areas, bespoke catering and sophisticated office facilities.

What’s more, you have much greater flexibility. The only real difference between the two is the price, but some private jet charter companies have found a way to make theirs fees more affordable than you might think.

Taking Advantage of Empty Leg Flights

Empty leg flights are available from private jet charter companies like Private Jet Charter and are a way of dramatically saving on costs. These are flights where the departure and destination airport, along with the time of departure, are pre-defined. What you can then do is have your chartered jet fly you one-way to anywhere in the world, including destinations such as London. This really is perfect for last-minute leisure trips or urgent business travel, offering the kind of value that you might not expect from private jet charter.

First Class Flying vs. Private Jet Charter

If you require a luxurious flying experience it is well worth comparing the two forms of travel and seeing which one is right for you. After finding out some of the features available from various airlines and charter companies, and ascertaining the costs, you might be surprised by just which option offers exactly what you need.