Home Tech Trends to Watch Out For in 2020

Home Tech Trends to Watch Out For in 2020

As 2020 approaches, homeowners are seeing significant advancements in security systems, energy conservation and everyday living. You’re never too old to stop learning, says this domestic lifts company in England, and staying on top of technology no longer has to be difficult, in fact, it’s meant to add ease into your life. Here are four areas in home technology to watch out for now that may change the renovation priorities you had in mind, while future-proofing the home for years to come.

Smart Kitchens

Kitchens were one of the first parts of the traditional home to get high tech devices and systems. Once programmable microwaves hit the market a few decades ago, the die was cast. Nowadays, programmable everything is par for the course in kitchens, even low-tech ones. But as 2020 revs up, the big kitchen trends are connectivity and smart appliances.

Refrigerators are now sophisticated food management systems that can keep a detailed inventory and age analysis of every item. Stoves, ovens, blenders and coffee machines can all be connected with apps that make sure there are no power overloads. Other advantages of the new connection revolution include precise meal planning, set-it-and-forget-it cooking apps that let you start a multi-course meal and walk away. The technology does the rest, alerting you via phone when everything is ready.


Windows aren't just windows, and doors aren't just doors. The new versions of these common household components are high-level security devices that sense when the wrong person gains entry. Equipped with ultra-sensitive motion detectors and, for doors, fingerprint and face-recognition capability, modern-day homes are more secure than the average neighborhood bank.

Cameras are everywhere you want them to be in new homes. Some owners opt for all-around surveillance while others go for the simpler front-door and garage cameras that are already offered as stand-alone devices. The new wrinkle in security is built-in technology that includes 24/7 camera surveillance, alarms in every window and door, and motion sensors in front and back yards. Lutron provides Luxury Smart Homes & Cinema.


What would technology be if all it did was make our lives more comfortable? There has to be a more altruistic upside to the equation, doesn't there? There is, and it is the fact that today's high-tech homes are now coming equipped with all-house energy conservation systems. Lights, appliances, thermostats alarms, entertainment centers, pools, kitchens and everything else is part of the scheme. Newly-built homes are already boasting conservation tech that can cut monthly utility bills by up to 50 percent.


Some of the newest technology for homes works to keep us safe from ourselves. For example, there's an add-on app for security systems that warns residents when any floor is wet or if a fire exit route is blocked by furniture. Water-detection is a big part of technology because moisture not only impacts immediate safety, in fall prevention, for example, but also the home itself. Leaky pipes and frayed wires can mean flood or fire damage. Many of the built-in components of energy systems can now alert homeowners to these kinds of hazards and more.